• L4E Pyraminx Method

  • Overview

    The L4E method consists of two steps: the V and the last 4 edges (L4E), hence the name of this method. In this method, you first build a "V", which is 3 centers and 2 edges between them solved. Then, you solve the last 4 edges in one step. This last step can be done in a variety of ways, but the one shown in this tutorial will involve solving one edge intuitively, then performing a single algorithm to solve the remaining 3 edges similarly to Keyhole Last Layer.

  • The V

    The first step of the L4E method is to build the V. This is basically three centers solved, along with two of the three edges between them. This step is entirely intuitive, however there are two big tips to help improve your V. First, color neutrality is a very important part of getting fast at pyraminx. It's not nearly as hard as on a Rubik's Cube, so you should definitely learn to be color neutral on pyraminx as soon as possible. The other tip is blockbuilding, which is basically solving one or more edges while doing the centers. This is harder for newer cubers to grasp, so knowing how to solve a Rubik's Cube will definitely help you understand how blockbuilding works.

  • Last 4 Edges

    This last step is Last 4 Edges, where you solve the remaining 4 edges in one step. For this step, you will want to make sure the V is on the bottom, with the unsolved edge facing you. As mentioned in the overview, there are plenty of ways to do this step, but the one shown in this tutorial involves solving one edge (usually the D-edge), then applying an algorithm to finish the last 3 edges.

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    L R' L' R

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    R' L R L'

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    U L' U' L

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    U' R U R'

    broken image



    R U' R'

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    L' U L

    broken image



    L R' L' R2 U' R'

    broken image



    R' L R L2' U L

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    (L' U L) (R U R')

    broken image



    (R U' R') (L' U' L)

    broken image



    (L R' L' R) U (L R' L' R)

    broken image



    (R' L R L') U' (R' L R L')

    broken image



    (L' U L) (R U' R') (L' U L) (R U' R')

    broken image



    (R U' R') (R' L R L')

    broken image



    (L' U L) (L R' L' R)

    broken image



    (L' U' L) U (R U R')

    broken image



    (R U R') U' (L' U' L)

    broken image



    (L' U L) (R U' R')

    broken image



    (R U' R') (L' U L)

    broken image



    (R U' R') U' (R U R')

    broken image



    (L' U L) U (L' U' L)

    broken image



    (R' L R L') U (L' U L)

    broken image



    (L R' L' R) U' (R U' R')

    broken image



    (L' U L) U' (R U R')

    broken image



    (R U' R') U (L' U' L)

    broken image



    (L' U' L) U' (L R' L' R)

    broken image



    (R U R') U (R' L R L')

    broken image



    (L' U' L) U' (R U' R')

    broken image



    (R U R') U (L' U L)

  • Notable L4E Users

    World-class pyraminx solvers who use L4E.

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    Rafał Waryszak

    2.41 Official Average - #3WR

    Former World Record Holder

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    Livia Kleiner

    2.67 Official Average - #10WR

    2016 US National Champion

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    Daniel Goodman

    2.78 Official Average - #16WR

    Co-hosts the Dlsone Podcast